Printable pages


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Trail guide

If you do not have a phone that can read QR codes you might like to walk this trail with a printed guide in hand.

You may print this trail guide in a couple of different ways:
     If you print it to "fit," in portrait mode, you will get a large type face, making it easy to read, but it will take 6 pages to print.
     If you explore your printer's page sizing options, you can print 3 of those pages, smaller, on a single sheet of paper, in landscape mode. This will result in the entire trail guide fitting on only 2 sheets of paper.


Perhaps you'd like to print a nice compact brochure. The brochure has exactly the same information as the trail guide. This version is intended to be printed double-sided, then folded in thirds to fit easily in a pocket.

Make sure your printer is set to "actual size" and you print in landscape mode in order to insure the page will fold up properly. Some printers, if asked to print this brochure double-sided, may lose a little bit of the words at the margins on page 2. To get a proper double-sided copy simply print only page 1 by itself, then put the sheet back into the printer's paper tray and print page 2 by itself on the other side.

Scavenger hunt

The scavenger hunt contains a list of animals and plants you may find on the trail.
Some of the plants are marked by signposts, but most you need to find by yourself.

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